Katie King
Hi, I’m Katie known as Kate I joined Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio in December 2017. I joined Steve Andrew’s Tuesday night request show team,
I was the only girl in the team and still am today!!
Being part of a request show means the music we play is varied, we can go from a very classical track to Robbie Williams. Through doing the show my music knowledge has increased, the team has changed since 2017 ( still boy power though)!! Steve Andrews who does the show and Phill Rance our other producer and myself have a very good working relationship, we banter with one another for 2 hours every week and I think that comes across during the show to our listeners.
I am a level 3 creative media student at Aylesbury College, there are 3 parts of the course photography, film and radio studies ( and of course radio is my favourite bit). My favourite genre of music is the 60’s 70s and 80s era but through doing the request show my taste, dare I say it, is getting more modern. When I joined SMHR I was taken aback by how many CDs and vinyls we have in our library that goes with the amount of songs we have on our actual myriad system. If you would like to request a song for our Tuesday night show then please do.